The ensemble gamma.ut was founded in 2017 connected to the artistic projects of Susanne Scholz at the University of Arts Graz and involves fantastic young musicians from many different countries. Starting from the four part violin band of the core group, gamma.ut discovers new repertoire, new venues and new audiences. During their performances the musicians not only exchange their instruments (from soprano to bass) but also adopt their playing techniques to the chosen repertoire.
In 2018, connected to the doctoral studies of Susanne Scholz, gamma.ut research was formed, carrying out artistic researching on different aspects of violin playing related to the Renaissance violin consort.
The, by more instruments and players expanded ensemble gamma.ut + performs also in the context of the University of Arts Graz and within opera projects directed by Susanne Scholz.
All members of gamma.ut+ have specialised in historical performance practice, are rich in further musical experiences (in fields such as Jazz, contemporary music and in playing other instruments) and are happy to meet to celebrate their common interest and their joy in music making and to share this joy with their audience.